Current RQT Members
Kyrie Adderholt
Tara: Kyrie is truly the best co-captain anyone could ever ask for, and I'm so grateful for her. She's creative and loyal, and manages to be patient with me despite any mess ups I managed to do throughout our two years of co-captaincy. RQT owes her the insane amount of practice techniques I'd never be able to think of and our amazing practice schedule, amongst many many many other things. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.
Tara Aurelium
Kyrie: Where do I even begin with Tara? She’s been a part of RQT since I joined and has always been there for me and the team. She makes my job as beater and co-captain so much easier with her amazing chasing skills and keeping me from going too insane. RQT wouldn’t be the same without her. She really is the Seams to my Funnigan.
Maya Winters
Kyrie: Maya still scares me when she bots. Even if she claims she is out of practice, she could still beat 99% of the players on HOL. I love waking up and seeing one of our botting channels full of that infamous white on pink and seeing streaks of 500 or more, which were only broken because Maya ASKED someone to break it for her. She is a truly scary player, but more importantly she is a great friend, one of my closest on HOL, and teammate.
Tara: Maya is a person I love and appreciate, and her being one of my first captains probably had a part in that. I owe her my love for quidditch and being the player that I am today. She is, without a doubt, the best quidditch player at the moment, and manages to beat us all even after retiring! RQT's just not the same without its very own pink, smelly retard cabbage.
Cassandra Lobiesk
Kyrie: Since she was the first person I met on RQT, Cassandra has been part of my career on RQT from day one. I loved playing beater alongside her for two years and really miss it now. Although, I would like to beat her records one day, but that’s a completely different article. Cassandra is one of my closest friends on HOL and our song is a slamming screen door, sneakin’ out late, tapping on your window, when we’re on the phone and you talk real slow ‘cause it’s late and your mama don’t know. And I never want to go to bed mad at her and I don’t want her to go to bed mad at me!
Tara: Even though she hasn't been very active in RQT this year (retiring is totally overrated), Cassie's quidditch presence is something unforgettable. She's to be blamed for my discovery of botting, and for the frustration of many chasers having to face her throughout the years. Also for spreading cheese all over. Did you know she's a penguinologist? True story.
Alcina Major
Kyrie: Alcina, or Cici, is one of our promising newer members. I love watching her bot and practice and seeing all the improvement she’s made since joining the team. I can’t wait to see her make her RQT debut next year hopefully!
Tara: Cici is a fun and enthusiastic newbie RQTer. She didn't play any games this year sadly, but hopefully next year we'll get to play her! RL being the way it is, it stole her away from us for awhile, but I'm sure it won't be long before we see Cici's name on the bots again.
Alexia Riaper
Kyrie: RQT’s semi-retired seeker and one of my favorite people on HOL (fully retired if you ask her but that doesn’t matter) is one of the few team members to truly hate botting. While others are addicted and spend countless hours botting away, Alexia spends her time trying to convince the world that botting is bad. Despite her lack of botting, she is a huge asset to the team. I will never forget the game against HQT (whichtotallyneverhappened) when she was seeking. From her p2p with me, Tara and I were not expecting her to catch the snitch and therefore RQT’s first loss in years. However, at the last minute, Alexia came through the caught the snitch, surprising the entire team and saving us.
Tara: This amazing Canadian caterpillar is RQT's very own legendary seeker. The legendary part is there partly because every RQTer who was there in that fateful game versus HQT last year, is still very muchly worshipping the ground she walks on. Don't talk to her about bots though, she'll deny knowing anything about them. That, or attempt to convince you they're bad for your health.
Amelia Fadden
Kyrie: One of the newest members of our team, Amelia gets along great with the team and has shown a great deal of potential in the short amount of time she’s been on the team.
Tara: Amelia is one of RQT's more quiet and calm members. Like few of our other members, she didn't get the chance to play this year, so hopefully next year we'll get to see more of Amelia Fadden!
Amy Lupin
Kyrie: THREE! I remember seeing Amy play in SQL last summer and really wanted to recruit her for RQT. Sadly, though, she was too busy with real life stuff during the first term to join the team. As soon as I read that she was back, I messaged her encouraging her to join the team. She quickly joined the team and worked her way up to a starting spot before season ended!
Tara: Amy, more commonly known in RQT as Three, is the third Amy RQT had in its ranks. There seems to be just something about that name, Ravenclaw and quidditch, because Amy's also an active quidditch player! The shouts of "Three!" when she joins the channel became an inseparable part of RQT, for sure.
Annie Chandran
Kyrie: Annie is one of the few RQT’ers that have been on the team longer than I have. She was always fun to practice with and a great friend. During mine and Tara’s first year as co-captains she really helped us out by stepping up to play keeper for us. She has made numerous contributions to the team over the years.
Tara: I've always considered Annie to be one of my closest HOL friends. At some point, we even got HOL-married (It's not as weird as it sounds, honest), and I always had a special spot for her. Annie joined HOL the same year I did, and we developed our love for quidditch pretty much at the same time. She's not as active now as she used to, but she's still always welcome whenever she comes to visit.
Arielle Lemoyne
Kyrie: Arielle’s career on RQT is pretty short compared to some of the members, but her list of accomplishments rivals those that have been on the team for years. In her first year alone she played chaser, beater, and keeper, finished third in the Pro 1v1 tournament, and won two MVP awards. If that’s not impressive I don’t know what is!
Tara: As far as typoese goes, there are two champions who I believe are tied by now: Pavel Kitty Lagrange and Arielle Lemoyne, her typos being a constant source of amusement for the team. While she typos like crazy in everyday situations, when it comes to games, Arielle becomes a scary beast. Playing in 4 games this year, Arielle went through all of the quaffle-play positions, and did so with great success. The rate she's going at, Arielle will only keep improving. HOL beware!
Bella Coupland
Kyrie: Due to time zone issues, Bella is unable to practice as much as I wish she could. However, based on her botting she has made huge improvements since she joined the team. Hopefully next year we can get her into some practices and unleash her true potential!
Tara: Bella is one of the new additions to RQT this year. After seeing her do so well in the 1v1 tournament, it was no surprise that soon enough she joined the team after a successful try-out. I hope to see more of her next year!
Celeste Cordelia
Kyrie: One of our newer players, Celeste sadly isn’t able to practice very often. However, she easily makes up for that with large amounts of botting. I rarely see her on irc when she’s not botting!
Tara: Celeste's also one of our newbies for the season. A rather active eaglet, she jumped right into botting enthusiastically. Like some others, RL kidnapped her from us for a while. I hope to see more of Celeste next year, and hopefully life won't be as busy.
Dean Fuaddy
Kyrie: Dean may be a new member of RQT, but he quickly rising to freakface level. His constant botting and impressive performances in practices were enough to grab my attention this year. I quickly recruited him for my SQL team to help improve his skills so he can become a full fledged freakface by next season!
Tara: Being a male RQTer is no easy task. There currently being only two of them, Dean is all about used to being surrounded by fangirling girls all the time by now. One of our most enthusiastic and active newbies this year, Dean made sure his efforts won't go unnoticed. He botted and worked hard, and thus managed to snag a spot in two of our games this year. He's actually botting some more as I'm writing this!
Edmund Smethwyck
Kyrie: The King of the Freakfaces is really the only way to describe Edmund. I will never forget when he was a newbie and tried double botting in two channels at the same time. From then on he became a freakface and only got scarier as time went on. It would be hard for anyone to argue that he is the toughest keeper on HOL. Because of that and the many funny moments he has provided this year as a graceful lady on hardcore drugs, RQT is grateful to have him on our team.
Tara: One of RQT's two males, Edmund is probably our most famous newbie. There's a reason to that: Edmund proved to be one of the most amazing players on the team, managing to achieve things neither of us could even dream of in our first year. He took up the most hated position in quidditch, keeping, and is truly the nightmare of every chaser. His cheery attitude and calmness make it impossible not to get along with him, and after this year I can't possibly imagine the team without him.
Helena Rosenblum
Kyrie: Helena has made many appearances on RQT since I joined the team. No matter how busy she gets with real life for a time, she always seems to come back and quickly get into practice. She is a true asset to the time with her versatility and ability to play just about any position well.
Tara: Helena is also one of the people who joined HOL the same year I did, and when she's well practiced, she's one scary player. Helena's activity is on and off sadly, but she made some memorable appearances throughout the years. One particular amazing game was with her as a keeper, in which she managed to block 100% of the chasers' goals, scooping up the MVP prize for that wonderful performance.
Karen Circa
Kyrie: Karen is our Queen of long answers or any answers for that matter. No one on HOL knows the question set as well as Karen does. Even without large amounts of botting, Karen amazes me with her amazing skill to remember every answer the bots have. She is one of the most helpful players on the team during games when she’s feeding. I always love seeing R-F-Circa in the team channel during games!
Tara: One of the people I appreciate a lot on the team, Karen is known for her skill to memorize just about anything. When in a game I see a question that I've never, ever seen before, I know I can count on Karen to suddenly answer it in the team room like it's the easiest one in the set.
Kiri Galdor
Kyrie: Despite the fact that we had to trick her into joining the team since she wanted to avoid a tryout, Kiri is a great member of RQT. We can always count on her to step in at any position. She also has a great attitude that is really noticeable in the team channel. She’s a great person to have on your team, even if she does break your internet occasionally.
Tara: Our very own kiwi (and I'm hoping it's okay I called her that…), Kiri is one of the older RQTers. I always felt that I can count on her being there, and as far as I remember, Kiri always made sure to be active on the team and contribute. Being in completely different timezones, I didn't get to see her as much, but her presence in the team never went unnoticed.
Kirra Rohan
Kyrie: Kirra is a very special member of the team. She amuses us greatly with her lost pants, laundry in the dishwasher, and apparently a high school class on spinach. Along with these uniquely Kirra moments, she brings a lot of talent to the team including one of the highest WPMs RQT has! She is a great member of the team even though she attempts to bring Taylor Swift back into the team room.
Tara: One of our most enthusiastic and typoese-loving newbies, Kirra managed to amaze us in many ways. While at first she started off just like any other newbie, Kirra soon proved that she's a monster just waiting to be let out. When I first saw her speed records on my bots, I was in awe. Outside the quidditch pitch, Kirra had no problem fitting in with the team - fangirling over Doctor Who and singing TSwizzle in the team room, fitting in wasn't very hard. This girl has lots of potential, and I'm really looking forward to seeing her play more games next year!
Maravillas Arrington
Kyrie: One of the original RQT brats, Mara has made her mark on the team in the year and a half she’s been part of it. She made a great debut this year and just continued to get better and better. She is always up for practicing and is willing to bot the amount she needs to make herself better.
Tara: Waking up in the morning and seeing Mara ramble with Maya in the team room about bagels and random stuff is something I'm long since used to. Mara is one of the most enthusiastic people I've met in RQT, and I still can't believe she's been on the team for only a year and a half - it feels to me as if she's been there for much, much longer than that. I'm psyched that I've had the chance to meet someone like her - Mara is a person who, in my humble opinion, you just can't dislike. Really.
Scarlet Irisa
Kyrie: Scarlet is full of surprises. From her age to how quickly she became a freakface, she surprised me all season long. She had a very impressive first season and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. I can’t wait to see what she can do in future years.
Tara: The ickle of the team, taking away that title from me, Scarlet's one of the two Scarlets the Ravenclaw House has. In her first year ever, Scarlet played a game beating and a game chasing, managing to score 3 goals in her chasing game. She's always very friendly and excited, botting away in her free time like there's no tomorrow!
Silmarien Szilagyi
Kyrie: Sil is one of my closest friends on HOL and Ravenclaw so I immediately wanted to recruit her to RQT. I finally convinced her to try quidditch and she got hooked! I love having her on the team with me and really enjoy practicing with her and seeing her improve.
Tara: Or Sil, otherwise I typo too much for my own good, heh. Sil wasn't as into quidditch when she joined as some. However, at some point something must've changed, because I soon found Sil in the team room, botting away. I don't know her as well as Kyrie, but I always had the impression she's a nice, interesting and fun person to talk to. I sure hope she'll stick around on the team next year too!
Solix Fortis
Kyrie: Solix joined RQT mid-season and really started to stand out to me during the 1v1 tournament with some impressive games. Her knowledge and speed had improved so much over such a short period of time and I was pleasantly surprised and immediately wanted to get her in a game for RQT. Sadly, due to real life obligations, she wasn’t able to play this year, but there is definitely a spot in one of our line ups next year with her name on it!
Tara: When Solix just joined, I was naturally curious about her the same way I was curious about every newbie making their appearance in the team. After seeing her forum signature and reading her profile carefully, it didn't take long for me to realize that I've actually known Solix for quite a few years now, long before I joined HOL. The world is tiny, and I'm still kind of excited about this freaky coincidence. She didn't get to play this year, but I'm hoping
next year will mark her debut.
Tara: Kyrie is truly the best co-captain anyone could ever ask for, and I'm so grateful for her. She's creative and loyal, and manages to be patient with me despite any mess ups I managed to do throughout our two years of co-captaincy. RQT owes her the insane amount of practice techniques I'd never be able to think of and our amazing practice schedule, amongst many many many other things. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.
Tara Aurelium
Kyrie: Where do I even begin with Tara? She’s been a part of RQT since I joined and has always been there for me and the team. She makes my job as beater and co-captain so much easier with her amazing chasing skills and keeping me from going too insane. RQT wouldn’t be the same without her. She really is the Seams to my Funnigan.
Maya Winters
Kyrie: Maya still scares me when she bots. Even if she claims she is out of practice, she could still beat 99% of the players on HOL. I love waking up and seeing one of our botting channels full of that infamous white on pink and seeing streaks of 500 or more, which were only broken because Maya ASKED someone to break it for her. She is a truly scary player, but more importantly she is a great friend, one of my closest on HOL, and teammate.
Tara: Maya is a person I love and appreciate, and her being one of my first captains probably had a part in that. I owe her my love for quidditch and being the player that I am today. She is, without a doubt, the best quidditch player at the moment, and manages to beat us all even after retiring! RQT's just not the same without its very own pink, smelly retard cabbage.
Cassandra Lobiesk
Kyrie: Since she was the first person I met on RQT, Cassandra has been part of my career on RQT from day one. I loved playing beater alongside her for two years and really miss it now. Although, I would like to beat her records one day, but that’s a completely different article. Cassandra is one of my closest friends on HOL and our song is a slamming screen door, sneakin’ out late, tapping on your window, when we’re on the phone and you talk real slow ‘cause it’s late and your mama don’t know. And I never want to go to bed mad at her and I don’t want her to go to bed mad at me!
Tara: Even though she hasn't been very active in RQT this year (retiring is totally overrated), Cassie's quidditch presence is something unforgettable. She's to be blamed for my discovery of botting, and for the frustration of many chasers having to face her throughout the years. Also for spreading cheese all over. Did you know she's a penguinologist? True story.
Alcina Major
Kyrie: Alcina, or Cici, is one of our promising newer members. I love watching her bot and practice and seeing all the improvement she’s made since joining the team. I can’t wait to see her make her RQT debut next year hopefully!
Tara: Cici is a fun and enthusiastic newbie RQTer. She didn't play any games this year sadly, but hopefully next year we'll get to play her! RL being the way it is, it stole her away from us for awhile, but I'm sure it won't be long before we see Cici's name on the bots again.
Alexia Riaper
Kyrie: RQT’s semi-retired seeker and one of my favorite people on HOL (fully retired if you ask her but that doesn’t matter) is one of the few team members to truly hate botting. While others are addicted and spend countless hours botting away, Alexia spends her time trying to convince the world that botting is bad. Despite her lack of botting, she is a huge asset to the team. I will never forget the game against HQT (whichtotallyneverhappened) when she was seeking. From her p2p with me, Tara and I were not expecting her to catch the snitch and therefore RQT’s first loss in years. However, at the last minute, Alexia came through the caught the snitch, surprising the entire team and saving us.
Tara: This amazing Canadian caterpillar is RQT's very own legendary seeker. The legendary part is there partly because every RQTer who was there in that fateful game versus HQT last year, is still very muchly worshipping the ground she walks on. Don't talk to her about bots though, she'll deny knowing anything about them. That, or attempt to convince you they're bad for your health.
Amelia Fadden
Kyrie: One of the newest members of our team, Amelia gets along great with the team and has shown a great deal of potential in the short amount of time she’s been on the team.
Tara: Amelia is one of RQT's more quiet and calm members. Like few of our other members, she didn't get the chance to play this year, so hopefully next year we'll get to see more of Amelia Fadden!
Amy Lupin
Kyrie: THREE! I remember seeing Amy play in SQL last summer and really wanted to recruit her for RQT. Sadly, though, she was too busy with real life stuff during the first term to join the team. As soon as I read that she was back, I messaged her encouraging her to join the team. She quickly joined the team and worked her way up to a starting spot before season ended!
Tara: Amy, more commonly known in RQT as Three, is the third Amy RQT had in its ranks. There seems to be just something about that name, Ravenclaw and quidditch, because Amy's also an active quidditch player! The shouts of "Three!" when she joins the channel became an inseparable part of RQT, for sure.
Annie Chandran
Kyrie: Annie is one of the few RQT’ers that have been on the team longer than I have. She was always fun to practice with and a great friend. During mine and Tara’s first year as co-captains she really helped us out by stepping up to play keeper for us. She has made numerous contributions to the team over the years.
Tara: I've always considered Annie to be one of my closest HOL friends. At some point, we even got HOL-married (It's not as weird as it sounds, honest), and I always had a special spot for her. Annie joined HOL the same year I did, and we developed our love for quidditch pretty much at the same time. She's not as active now as she used to, but she's still always welcome whenever she comes to visit.
Arielle Lemoyne
Kyrie: Arielle’s career on RQT is pretty short compared to some of the members, but her list of accomplishments rivals those that have been on the team for years. In her first year alone she played chaser, beater, and keeper, finished third in the Pro 1v1 tournament, and won two MVP awards. If that’s not impressive I don’t know what is!
Tara: As far as typoese goes, there are two champions who I believe are tied by now: Pavel Kitty Lagrange and Arielle Lemoyne, her typos being a constant source of amusement for the team. While she typos like crazy in everyday situations, when it comes to games, Arielle becomes a scary beast. Playing in 4 games this year, Arielle went through all of the quaffle-play positions, and did so with great success. The rate she's going at, Arielle will only keep improving. HOL beware!
Bella Coupland
Kyrie: Due to time zone issues, Bella is unable to practice as much as I wish she could. However, based on her botting she has made huge improvements since she joined the team. Hopefully next year we can get her into some practices and unleash her true potential!
Tara: Bella is one of the new additions to RQT this year. After seeing her do so well in the 1v1 tournament, it was no surprise that soon enough she joined the team after a successful try-out. I hope to see more of her next year!
Celeste Cordelia
Kyrie: One of our newer players, Celeste sadly isn’t able to practice very often. However, she easily makes up for that with large amounts of botting. I rarely see her on irc when she’s not botting!
Tara: Celeste's also one of our newbies for the season. A rather active eaglet, she jumped right into botting enthusiastically. Like some others, RL kidnapped her from us for a while. I hope to see more of Celeste next year, and hopefully life won't be as busy.
Dean Fuaddy
Kyrie: Dean may be a new member of RQT, but he quickly rising to freakface level. His constant botting and impressive performances in practices were enough to grab my attention this year. I quickly recruited him for my SQL team to help improve his skills so he can become a full fledged freakface by next season!
Tara: Being a male RQTer is no easy task. There currently being only two of them, Dean is all about used to being surrounded by fangirling girls all the time by now. One of our most enthusiastic and active newbies this year, Dean made sure his efforts won't go unnoticed. He botted and worked hard, and thus managed to snag a spot in two of our games this year. He's actually botting some more as I'm writing this!
Edmund Smethwyck
Kyrie: The King of the Freakfaces is really the only way to describe Edmund. I will never forget when he was a newbie and tried double botting in two channels at the same time. From then on he became a freakface and only got scarier as time went on. It would be hard for anyone to argue that he is the toughest keeper on HOL. Because of that and the many funny moments he has provided this year as a graceful lady on hardcore drugs, RQT is grateful to have him on our team.
Tara: One of RQT's two males, Edmund is probably our most famous newbie. There's a reason to that: Edmund proved to be one of the most amazing players on the team, managing to achieve things neither of us could even dream of in our first year. He took up the most hated position in quidditch, keeping, and is truly the nightmare of every chaser. His cheery attitude and calmness make it impossible not to get along with him, and after this year I can't possibly imagine the team without him.
Helena Rosenblum
Kyrie: Helena has made many appearances on RQT since I joined the team. No matter how busy she gets with real life for a time, she always seems to come back and quickly get into practice. She is a true asset to the time with her versatility and ability to play just about any position well.
Tara: Helena is also one of the people who joined HOL the same year I did, and when she's well practiced, she's one scary player. Helena's activity is on and off sadly, but she made some memorable appearances throughout the years. One particular amazing game was with her as a keeper, in which she managed to block 100% of the chasers' goals, scooping up the MVP prize for that wonderful performance.
Karen Circa
Kyrie: Karen is our Queen of long answers or any answers for that matter. No one on HOL knows the question set as well as Karen does. Even without large amounts of botting, Karen amazes me with her amazing skill to remember every answer the bots have. She is one of the most helpful players on the team during games when she’s feeding. I always love seeing R-F-Circa in the team channel during games!
Tara: One of the people I appreciate a lot on the team, Karen is known for her skill to memorize just about anything. When in a game I see a question that I've never, ever seen before, I know I can count on Karen to suddenly answer it in the team room like it's the easiest one in the set.
Kiri Galdor
Kyrie: Despite the fact that we had to trick her into joining the team since she wanted to avoid a tryout, Kiri is a great member of RQT. We can always count on her to step in at any position. She also has a great attitude that is really noticeable in the team channel. She’s a great person to have on your team, even if she does break your internet occasionally.
Tara: Our very own kiwi (and I'm hoping it's okay I called her that…), Kiri is one of the older RQTers. I always felt that I can count on her being there, and as far as I remember, Kiri always made sure to be active on the team and contribute. Being in completely different timezones, I didn't get to see her as much, but her presence in the team never went unnoticed.
Kirra Rohan
Kyrie: Kirra is a very special member of the team. She amuses us greatly with her lost pants, laundry in the dishwasher, and apparently a high school class on spinach. Along with these uniquely Kirra moments, she brings a lot of talent to the team including one of the highest WPMs RQT has! She is a great member of the team even though she attempts to bring Taylor Swift back into the team room.
Tara: One of our most enthusiastic and typoese-loving newbies, Kirra managed to amaze us in many ways. While at first she started off just like any other newbie, Kirra soon proved that she's a monster just waiting to be let out. When I first saw her speed records on my bots, I was in awe. Outside the quidditch pitch, Kirra had no problem fitting in with the team - fangirling over Doctor Who and singing TSwizzle in the team room, fitting in wasn't very hard. This girl has lots of potential, and I'm really looking forward to seeing her play more games next year!
Maravillas Arrington
Kyrie: One of the original RQT brats, Mara has made her mark on the team in the year and a half she’s been part of it. She made a great debut this year and just continued to get better and better. She is always up for practicing and is willing to bot the amount she needs to make herself better.
Tara: Waking up in the morning and seeing Mara ramble with Maya in the team room about bagels and random stuff is something I'm long since used to. Mara is one of the most enthusiastic people I've met in RQT, and I still can't believe she's been on the team for only a year and a half - it feels to me as if she's been there for much, much longer than that. I'm psyched that I've had the chance to meet someone like her - Mara is a person who, in my humble opinion, you just can't dislike. Really.
Scarlet Irisa
Kyrie: Scarlet is full of surprises. From her age to how quickly she became a freakface, she surprised me all season long. She had a very impressive first season and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. I can’t wait to see what she can do in future years.
Tara: The ickle of the team, taking away that title from me, Scarlet's one of the two Scarlets the Ravenclaw House has. In her first year ever, Scarlet played a game beating and a game chasing, managing to score 3 goals in her chasing game. She's always very friendly and excited, botting away in her free time like there's no tomorrow!
Silmarien Szilagyi
Kyrie: Sil is one of my closest friends on HOL and Ravenclaw so I immediately wanted to recruit her to RQT. I finally convinced her to try quidditch and she got hooked! I love having her on the team with me and really enjoy practicing with her and seeing her improve.
Tara: Or Sil, otherwise I typo too much for my own good, heh. Sil wasn't as into quidditch when she joined as some. However, at some point something must've changed, because I soon found Sil in the team room, botting away. I don't know her as well as Kyrie, but I always had the impression she's a nice, interesting and fun person to talk to. I sure hope she'll stick around on the team next year too!
Solix Fortis
Kyrie: Solix joined RQT mid-season and really started to stand out to me during the 1v1 tournament with some impressive games. Her knowledge and speed had improved so much over such a short period of time and I was pleasantly surprised and immediately wanted to get her in a game for RQT. Sadly, due to real life obligations, she wasn’t able to play this year, but there is definitely a spot in one of our line ups next year with her name on it!
Tara: When Solix just joined, I was naturally curious about her the same way I was curious about every newbie making their appearance in the team. After seeing her forum signature and reading her profile carefully, it didn't take long for me to realize that I've actually known Solix for quite a few years now, long before I joined HOL. The world is tiny, and I'm still kind of excited about this freaky coincidence. She didn't get to play this year, but I'm hoping
next year will mark her debut.