Not ALL of my best memories revolve around quidditch. There’s still my very first encounter with Professor Cassandra Lobiesk, during an infamous game known as Lobiesk Survivor. This was back before I knew much of anything about anyone, so I figured hey, what the heck, I’ll just be my normal, crazy, Disney-loving, Tswizzle-singing self. And it worked. Five hundred billion questions later, after I talked about velociraptor-proof houses and blue penguins the end was near. And here is the end, copied from the logs (after almost freezing my computer). Alucard is our infamous Lobiesk, of course, and well… I wasn’t a cool kid with a Halloween disguise on.
<@Alucard> FINALE: Word association: Sugar! <MrsTennant> cake <OogieBoogie> cake <+Kirra> YOU MADE A REBEL OF A CARELESS MANS CAREFUL DAUGHTER <@Alucard> lol <@Alucard> LOLOL <@SarahSanderson> lol <@Alucard> WHO GAVE YOU THAT ANSWER <@Alucard>WHO?! <+Kirra> I came up with it myself <@Alucard> looool <MrsTennant> hahahahaha * @SarahSanderson dies <@Alucard> LOLOL <MrsTennant> amy can't top it <@Alucard> yeah, Amy can't top that <@SarahSanderson> it's over <@Alucard> SORRY AMY <@Alucard> you've been OUSTED BY KIRRA ROHAN Now, I can’t remember what exactly was going through my mind at the time (this was before I knew anything about the prevalence of Tswizzle in Ravenclaw) but whatever I said, it worked. I had just won my first game of Lobiesk Survivor, I had an hour of superpower ops in #hol, and now I can cross that off my HOL bucket list. What’s still on that list? Hmmm, becoming prefect (and I’m one step down that road, now that I have suffered through the loving torture of PiT), becoming a co-cap of RQT in 589728735872 years when Kyrie and Tara decided they’ve had enough of our craziness (then I’ll be able to sing as much Tswizzle as I want!), taking over HOL… the usual. I’ve made some amazing memories so far, and I’m excited to see what lies on the road ahead. -Kirra Rohan |