Common Room

by Dolly Frazer
The Common Room was purely created as a place where eagles to come and ‘roost’. It is a place of relaxation and discussions. It is a place where students can cluck around and stick their beaks in other people’s conversations.
All eagles are encouraged to step into the Common Room where they will find wonders before their eyes. Included in this sub forum is an introduction topic where an Eagle can state their name and their purpose for skulking around in the Roost. All Eagles will be welcomed with open wings and lots of muffins.
So for wandering eyes and sticky beaks, there are a variety of discussions on offer for all the eagles and eaglets to look at and join in on. One such continuing topic is that of ‘Go Eagles Go’ which began in 2006 to cheer on fellow members and keep collecting house points by homework or other activities. Many topics in this sub forum take the title of “Favourite [Insert Word Here]’ for example ‘Favourite Music’, ‘Favourite Spell’ and ‘Favourite Movies’. These are places where you can look at to learn more about your fellow eagles and find a common ground with your new friends. Advice is also a good thread topic to be posted. There are many eagles who would be more than happy than to help you through your troubled times.
If you’re in a mood to vote, this is also the place. Many students place polls as threads to gather information about the popularity of classes in HOL and other notable objects. Harry Potter is a common theme to be discussing throughout the Common Room and seems to be a subject on which people are decidedly highly opinionated. Threads such as ‘What would you like to be after Hogwarts’ and ‘Inconsistency in the Harry Potter books’ are highly recommended.
To tie the four corners of the world together, look no further than threads completely based around a country. Here you may find eagles that live closer than you think. The Common Room is a magical place, an area for eagles to feel right at home.
The Common Room was purely created as a place where eagles to come and ‘roost’. It is a place of relaxation and discussions. It is a place where students can cluck around and stick their beaks in other people’s conversations.
All eagles are encouraged to step into the Common Room where they will find wonders before their eyes. Included in this sub forum is an introduction topic where an Eagle can state their name and their purpose for skulking around in the Roost. All Eagles will be welcomed with open wings and lots of muffins.
So for wandering eyes and sticky beaks, there are a variety of discussions on offer for all the eagles and eaglets to look at and join in on. One such continuing topic is that of ‘Go Eagles Go’ which began in 2006 to cheer on fellow members and keep collecting house points by homework or other activities. Many topics in this sub forum take the title of “Favourite [Insert Word Here]’ for example ‘Favourite Music’, ‘Favourite Spell’ and ‘Favourite Movies’. These are places where you can look at to learn more about your fellow eagles and find a common ground with your new friends. Advice is also a good thread topic to be posted. There are many eagles who would be more than happy than to help you through your troubled times.
If you’re in a mood to vote, this is also the place. Many students place polls as threads to gather information about the popularity of classes in HOL and other notable objects. Harry Potter is a common theme to be discussing throughout the Common Room and seems to be a subject on which people are decidedly highly opinionated. Threads such as ‘What would you like to be after Hogwarts’ and ‘Inconsistency in the Harry Potter books’ are highly recommended.
To tie the four corners of the world together, look no further than threads completely based around a country. Here you may find eagles that live closer than you think. The Common Room is a magical place, an area for eagles to feel right at home.