Seventh Years

Full HOL Name: Akira Yamada
HOL ID: ak002
Year Joined: inception, so um...2001?
Year: Seventh Year
Positions Held: Student Teacher
Classes Taught: Latin for Learners
Nicknames: Akira, "Mommy," Aki, or Kira
Personal Quote: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." -Albus Dumbledore
"For dreams are the mindstuff of invention, but actions are sustenance of greatness." -Me
Short Bio: Akira has been a student at HOL since its inception, ten years ago, when she stumbled upon the Harry Potter Galleries, won a few galleons, and decided to sign up for a link to the Sorting Hat (six months later). She goes through burst of activity between periods of inactivity. Through the years HOL has always held a large portion of her heart, even while inactive, and the knowledge that she had a rock and friends through HOL has been a godsend always. This past year has been her best in HOL, even picking up a few 'adopted children' (hence "mommy"), whom she loves dearly. Akira is currently student teaching Latin for Learners, and is hoping to transition to professorship after (finally) graduating this year. Her goal this year is to make up for all the years of unwon points for her beloved house, Ravenclaw, and to finally finish those blasted OWLs!
HOL ID: ak002
Year Joined: inception, so um...2001?
Year: Seventh Year
Positions Held: Student Teacher
Classes Taught: Latin for Learners
Nicknames: Akira, "Mommy," Aki, or Kira
Personal Quote: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." -Albus Dumbledore
"For dreams are the mindstuff of invention, but actions are sustenance of greatness." -Me
Short Bio: Akira has been a student at HOL since its inception, ten years ago, when she stumbled upon the Harry Potter Galleries, won a few galleons, and decided to sign up for a link to the Sorting Hat (six months later). She goes through burst of activity between periods of inactivity. Through the years HOL has always held a large portion of her heart, even while inactive, and the knowledge that she had a rock and friends through HOL has been a godsend always. This past year has been her best in HOL, even picking up a few 'adopted children' (hence "mommy"), whom she loves dearly. Akira is currently student teaching Latin for Learners, and is hoping to transition to professorship after (finally) graduating this year. Her goal this year is to make up for all the years of unwon points for her beloved house, Ravenclaw, and to finally finish those blasted OWLs!

Full HOL Name: Astra Holt
HOL ID: as513
Year Joined: 2004
Year: Seventh year!
Nicknames: "Astra" has always worked fine for me!
Personal Quote: "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend; inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -G. Marx
Short Bio: I am a pureblood witch, but didn't know it until my Hogwarts letter arrived at our house! My parents lost too many family members and friends, victims of violence by fellow wizards as well as muggles, so they felt their new family would be safer if they didn't attract any attention from either world. So they set up their household in a mostly muggle area, and kept their magic small and within the home, never letting their two daughters see magic or know that it existed outside of fantasy books. Once my letter arrived, though, the jig was up! They explained that they had known all along that this letter would come, and this meant that now I was grown-up enough to learn to control all those "strange things" that seemed to happen to me. Now it was my job as well to keep the family as safe as possible by letting my little sister think that I was going to attend a prestigious private school (which, of course, I was), and that I'd gotten in because of my good grades (Her grades were as good as mine, but I knew from all the time we spent playing together that she would definitely meet the REAL requirement!) I was thrilled to know that there was not only a place, but a whole world, where I would fit in! I don't blame my parents for what they did; they were just trying to keep us safe and together the best they could. Besides, what better
eleventh birthday gift could they have given me that would be as truly fantastic as an entire world?
HOL ID: as513
Year Joined: 2004
Year: Seventh year!
Nicknames: "Astra" has always worked fine for me!
Personal Quote: "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend; inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -G. Marx
Short Bio: I am a pureblood witch, but didn't know it until my Hogwarts letter arrived at our house! My parents lost too many family members and friends, victims of violence by fellow wizards as well as muggles, so they felt their new family would be safer if they didn't attract any attention from either world. So they set up their household in a mostly muggle area, and kept their magic small and within the home, never letting their two daughters see magic or know that it existed outside of fantasy books. Once my letter arrived, though, the jig was up! They explained that they had known all along that this letter would come, and this meant that now I was grown-up enough to learn to control all those "strange things" that seemed to happen to me. Now it was my job as well to keep the family as safe as possible by letting my little sister think that I was going to attend a prestigious private school (which, of course, I was), and that I'd gotten in because of my good grades (Her grades were as good as mine, but I knew from all the time we spent playing together that she would definitely meet the REAL requirement!) I was thrilled to know that there was not only a place, but a whole world, where I would fit in! I don't blame my parents for what they did; they were just trying to keep us safe and together the best they could. Besides, what better
eleventh birthday gift could they have given me that would be as truly fantastic as an entire world?